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Volunteer efforts are critically important to keeping Prairie View Estates a livable, safe, well-managed, high-quality neighborhood.




All Prairie View Estates homeowners are voting members of the PVE Homeowners Association (PVE HOA) and therefore eligible to serve on the board of directors. The board consists of five elected members who manage the general business affairs of the association (including trash removal and recycling, snow plowing, and road and water system maintenance). Members serve renewable one-year terms beginning Jan. 1 of the year they are elected to serve.

Service on the board and its subcommittees is strictly voluntary. PVE residents are encouraged to consider serving on the board and/or one of the volunteer committees: Roads, Water, and Landscaping.

An annual meeting of the entire PVE HOA is held each Fall to report on the state of the association’s affairs and to vote on any major pending issues. Members are strongly encouraged to attend as a way of keeping informed and offering constructive comments on the well-being of the neighborhood.

PVE's covenants and by-laws provide the Association with a framework for sustaining an attractive, high-quality neighborhood. All Association members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with and commit themselves to adhering to the covenants.




Primary duties in collaboration with the PVE HOA board liaison: 

  • Assess concrete panel road conditions and determine priorities for repairs (e.g., crack sealing, road panel repair and/or replacement, recommend strategies for addressing roads-related erosion problems, etc.).

  • Contribute as appropriate to bid solicitations for road maintenance/repairs and improvements (final approvals granted by majority vote by the PVE HOA board).

  • Contribute as appropriate to bid solicitation for snow removal (final approvals granted by majoirity vote of the PVE HOA board).

  • Address other roads maintenance issues as appropriate.




Primary duties overseen and coordinated by Water System Manager Matt Bulkeley:

  • Interact with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (conduct routine water quality tests to assure compliance with DNR standards; renew operating permit; respond to information requests; ensure compliance with state requirements, etc.).

  • Read water flow meters at the well and/or pump house to monitor pump performance for signs of trouble.

  • Flush water hydrants and exercise valves three or four times per year depending on circumstances.

  • Respond appropriately when notified by Iowa OneCall of digging projects in the neighborhood, marking the location of underground water lines to assure their protection.

  • Address other PWS issues as needed with any project expenses contingent on approval by the PVE HOA board.

Certified Water System Operator: Matt Bulkeley




Primary Duties in collaboration with the PVE HOA board liaison:

  • Schedule, organize, and lead Association workdays (e.g., brush trimming, litter clean-up, week removal, erosion control, etc.).

  • Annually inspect all electric boxes (ground transformers), cable/phone boxes, well pits, and well heads for volunteer trees or brush. Remove as needed.

  • Monitor the roadsides for overhanging trees that might represent a safety hazard if not trimmed or felled.

  • Address other landscaping issues as needed with any project expenses contingent on approval by the PVE HOA board.


Prairie View Estates

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