Prairie View Estates

Friendly reminders
Please observe Covenants and By Laws
Water conservation: Water is a precious natural resource. Accordingly, PVE residents are urged to be mindful of consumption, conserving water as best they can. Here are a few common sense recommendations:
Lawn watering is one of the most wasteful consumption practices. Unless you are watering newly seeded or sodded grass--which will die without nourishment and should therefore be watered as needed--homeowners are encouraged to avoid this unnecessary practice.
Do not let the faucet run needlessly as you wash or rinse dishes, wash your hands, brush your teeth, or shave. Turning off the tap while doing these things can save significant amounts of water.
Shorten your showers. Five minutes or less is a reasonable goal.
If you have a leak, fix it. Slow leaks quickly add up to big water losses.
Water filtration: It is generally recommended that household water filters not exceed 50 microns. Some homeowners have installed “iron curtains” in their homes and reported excellent results in reducing the iron sediment that occurs naturally in well water.
Safe driving: Please drive carefully at all times with the safety of children, pedestrians, bicyclists, other motorists, pets, and wildlife in mind. Observe posted speed limits but apply common sense and slow down more as necessary.
Remember that icy/snowy conditions can make it extremely difficult to stop, especially on steep inclines.
Vehicle parking: Motor vehicles may not be parked overnight on streets. Park in designated areas only, such as driveways and surfaced side yard parking spots. (Covenants Section 3j). Recreational vehicles (boats, RV's, ATV's, snowmobiles) must be stored off-site or garaged. Open storage of these vehicles is not permitted. (Covenants Section 3c).
When temporarily parking on the street during daytime hours, be careful not to create a traffic bottleneck safety hazard. Avoid parking on the grass. Roadside tire ruts contribute to costly erosion issues that can undermine the integrity of our streets.
Pump House: If the outside light to the water system Pump House (corner of Kyle and Sussex) is flashing, a service call might be needed. Please contact any member of the board or leave a PVE Google Voice message at 319.895.2033 or call a PVE Water Committee member:
Matt Bulkeley (water system manager)
Bruce Alexander
Jerad Krall
Jim Kenyon
Rich Hichwa
Terry Braun
Building plans: Prior to construction of any structure (home, garage, shed, swimming pool, fence, etc.), plans and specifications must be submitted to the PVE HOA board for review and approval per PVE Covenants.
Single family households: Prairie View Estates is by original design and intent a single family neighborhood where housing compounds are not allowed (only one single family residence is permitted on each lot). Detached structures with living accommodations for other persons (family relations, friends, others), are prohibited.
Tree removal: No healthy front yard tree of 8" diameter or more may be felled without prior board approval. Diseased trees must be removed, per PVE Covenants.
Pets: Dogs must be leashed from April to October. Other than common household pets like dogs and cats, no livestock or poultry may be raised or kept within the subdivision or used for breeding or commercial purposes.
Property maintenance: Storage and neglect of unsightly weeds, brush and tree limbs are not allowed. Waste must be placed in sanitary containers with tight-fitting lids.
Sign policy: The following policy was approved by the PVE HOA board in May 2011,
"Continuous "for sale" or real estate signs at the main entrance to Prairie View Estates are not permitted, and PVE HOA reserves the right to remove them without prior notification. However, one-day temporary signs to announce open houses, parties, or yard sales are permitted without special authorization. These signs should be placed away from the road and close to the mailboxes. Any other type of signage requires authorization by the PVE HOA board."